
Best Buy Big Game Guardian Two Man Ladder Stand On Sale

Looking to buy Big Game Guardian Two Man Ladder Stand? We've got the best quality selection of ItemTitle. Get the highest-quality for Big Game Guardian Two Man Ladder Stand to your home through Bargain and Fast Delivery on qualify items.

Big Game Guardian Two Man Ladder Stand Specification

  • Wide bench seats for two hunters
  • 500 lb weight capacity
  • Sturdy steel construction
  • Padded flip-up shooting rail
  • Fasteners, straps and an adjustable support bar are included for installation

Big Game Guardian Two Man Ladder Stand Overview

two-hunter ladder stand boasting sturdy steel construction. The 40"W x 13"D platform provides ample room to stand and shoot. Or remain seated and fire from the padded flip-up shooting rail. The 40"W bench-style seat is 13"D and covered with a 1"-thick pad for comfort. Fasteners, straps and an adjustable support bar are included for installation. Wide bench and 500-lb. capacity seats two hunters Sturdy steel construction Padded flip-up shooting rail Minimum tree size: 9" diameter. Height: 16 ft. to shooting rail. Seat height: 16". Weight: 65 lbs. Weight capacity: 500 lbs

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